Allowed ValuesI U D
See also General Documentation
This document was generated at 2024-12-11 11:18.
BlanketOrder BlanketOrderLine Category CategoryML CategoryProduct CategoryProperty CategoryVoucher Customer CustomerCategory CustomerPhoneNumber CustomerPrice CustomerProduct CustomerSalesPerson Document DocumentLine EntityExternalData EntityFile EntityStore Person PersonPhoneNumber Product ProductML ProductMeasurement ProductOverpack ProductOverpackML ProductPropertyValue ProductRelation ProductSurcharge Property PropertyML PropertyValue PropertyValueML ShippingAddress ShippingAddressPhoneNumber Voucher VoucherML WarehouseProduct WebRoleCustomerPerson WebRolePerson
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CustomerCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
ShippingAddressCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
BlanketOrderCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
BlanketOrderName | nvarchar | 80 | |||
StartDate | date | 10 | |||
EndDate | Yes | date | 10 | ||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
StoreID | smallint | ||||
ContactPersonCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
BlanketOrderCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
ProductCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
InitialQuantity | Yes | decimal | |||
RemainingQuantity | Yes | decimal | |||
DeliveredQuantity | Yes | decimal | |||
ToBeDeliveredQuantity | Yes | decimal | |||
InvoicedQuantity | Yes | decimal | |||
UnbilledQuantity | Yes | decimal | |||
UnitPrice | Yes | decimal | |||
OverpackCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Misc | xml | 4000 |
If `OverpackCode` is supplied, all quantities represent the number of overpacks.
Otherwise quantities represent the `SalesUnitOfMeasureCode` of the product.
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CategoryTypeCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
CategoryCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
ParentCategoryCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
InternalName | Yes | nvarchar | 128 | ||
InternalDescription | nvarchar | 512 | |||
Level | int | ||||
OrigOrderValue | nvarchar | 150 | |||
AutoCompleteWeight | int | ||||
Online | Yes | bit | |||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
The type of the category structure, e.g. NAVIGATION or BRAND.
Predefined by Natch as a readonly category at the root (level 0).
The code of the parent category.
Will contain the `CategoryTypeCode` for categories at highest level or non hierarchical structure.
The level of the category in the tree, starting at value `1`.
If the structure is not hierarchical, use value `1`.
Defines the order in which the categories under a node are placed.
This is a text field, sorting is alphabetical.
The optional weight of the category to calculate the score in search results of the generic autocomplete.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CategoryTypeCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
CategoryCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
CategoryName | Yes | nvarchar | 128 | ||
CategoryDescription | nvarchar | 512 | |||
LCID | Yes | Yes | int | ||
MiscML | xml | 4000 | |||
Synonymlist | nvarchar | 1000 |
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
A list of semicolon-separated synonyms for this category, for this language.
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ProductCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
CategoryTypeCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
CategoryCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
Misc | Yes | xml | 10000 | ||
Miscellaneous | json | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
The type of the category structure, e.g. NAVIGATION or BRAND.
Use JSON in `Miscellaneous` instead. JSON support was added in November 2022.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
Contact us for more information regarding this change because it might have impact on your implementation.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CategoryCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PropertyCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
IsVisible | Yes | bit | |||
IsFilter | Yes | bit | |||
IsSearchable | Yes | bool | |||
OrderValue | int | ||||
PropertyFilterTypeID | tinyint | ||||
Misc | xml | 10000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
If true, property is visible in listed properties of product for this category.
If true, property can be used in the asset-filter when this category is selected.
If true, this field should be included in the search index (e.g. Full-Text Search in SQL or Azure Search).
Sort-order of the property for a product under this category.
Filter type of the property:
- `1`: Intersect --> evaluated as an `AND` operator within the property values; selecting more options within the property may reduce results
- `2`: Union --> evaluated as an `OR` operator within the property values; selecting more options within the property may increase results
- `3`: Range --> property can be filtered as a range of numerical values, defining minimum and/or maximum
Allowed Values1 2 3
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CategoryTypeCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
CategoryCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
VoucherCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CustomerCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
Name | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
SearchName | nvarchar | 80 | |||
Name2 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
AddressLine1 | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
AddressLine2 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
ZipCode | Yes | nvarchar | 20 | ||
City | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
TerritoryCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
CountyCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Country_ISO | Yes | nvarchar | 2 | ||
SpatialLocation | nvarchar | 40 | |||
PhoneNo | Yes | nvarchar | 50 | ||
FaxNo | Yes | nvarchar | 50 | ||
OurAccountNo | nvarchar | 150 | |||
CreditLimit | decimal | ||||
CustomerPriceGroupCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
PaymentTermCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Currency_ISO | nvarchar | 3 | |||
CustomerDiscountCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Blocked | Yes | bit | |||
NbrOfInvoiceCopies | tinyint | ||||
BillToCustomerCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
PriorityLevel | smallint | ||||
PaymentMethodCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShowPricesIncVAT | Yes | bit | |||
DepartmentCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
VATRegistrationNo | nvarchar | 50 | |||
RequestedVATRegistrationNo | Yes | bit | |||
VATRegimeCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
LegalFormCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
CombineInvoices | Yes | bit | |||
nvarchar | 320 | ||||
Homepage | nvarchar | 255 | |||
PrimaryContactPersonCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ResponsibilityCenterCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
AllowLineDiscount | Yes | bit | |||
PreferredBankAccountCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
DomiciliationNo | nvarchar | 20 | |||
SectorCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
VisitFrequencyCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
CustomerShopStatus | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
LCID | Yes | int | |||
TemporaryCustomerCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
CustomerTypeID | Yes | tinyint | |||
Credit | json | 4000 | |||
Misc | Yes | xml | 4000 | ||
Miscellaneous | json | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
The two-letter ALPHA-2 ISO 3166 notation of the country code.
More info at [](
Coordinates in `latitude,longitude` format with `.` as decimal point, e.g. `51.09644,3.83194`
for Lochristi, Belgium.
Telephone numbers must be sent in a separate file.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field or are already sending a separate file, you can safely remove this field.
Telephone numbers must be sent in a separate file.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field or are already sending a separate file, you can safely remove this field.
Alphabetic ISO 4217 three-letter code, e.g. `EUR` for Euro and `GBP` for Pound Sterling.
More info at [](
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
The temporary code of the record as created by NatchOS before sending to master data.
This code must be sent back to update data accordingly.
Default: `1` = Owner of the site, `2` = Normal Customer.
JSON representation of the credit information.
Contains a list of `creditLimits` defined as time-based total amount and/or single basket amount:
- `limitAction` [values: `Approval` or `Block`] (required)
- `periodUnit` [`D`, `W`, `M` or `Y`], `periodCount`, `periodMaximumAmount` (optional as a set, all required if any field specified)
- `basketMaximumAmount` (optional)
- `personCode` (optional)
Optional custom data can be added as `customData` to the root or in the individual items. Example of the value:
{"creditLimits":[{"periodUnit": "D","periodCount": 9,"limitAction":"Approval","periodMaximumAmount": 15000.0,"basketMaximumAmount": 1000.0,"personCode": "KHIUH569","customData": null}],"customData": null}
Make sure the field uses the recommended text qualifier around the value and characters are escaped (i.e. double quotes must be escaped if using the default text qualifier).
Use JSON in `Miscellaneous` instead. JSON support was added in March 2023.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it. Contact us for more information regarding this change because it might have impact on your implementation.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CustomerCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
CategoryCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CustomerCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PhoneNumberTypeID | Yes | Yes | tinyint | ||
PhoneNumber | Yes | nvarchar | 50 |
Values: `1` = phone; `2` = fax; `3` = mobile.
Allowed Values1 2 3
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CustomerCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
ProductCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
UnitPrice | decimal | ||||
MinimumUnits | Yes | Yes | decimal | ||
Misc | xml | 10000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CustomerCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
ProductCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
CustomerProductCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Ordered | Yes | bit | |||
Favorite | Yes | bit | |||
AvailableTypeID | byte | ||||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Alternate product number by which the customer knows the product.
*Replaced by data in `DocumentLine`. NatchOS can now automatically infer this from document data. Field has been marked obsolete in November 2023.*
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
Indicates whether the product was previously bought by the customer. Documents can also be used for this.
*Master data should not control the favorites per customer. Field has been marked obsolete in November 2023. *
The implementation takes care of storing favorites per person.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
Indicates the availability of a product for the given customer.
- `0`: Not available.
- `1`: Is available.
- `3`: Exclusively available for customers with this value; implicitly not available for other customers.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CustomerCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PersonCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
OfficeStaff | Yes | bit | |||
MainSalesPerson | Yes | bit | |||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
StoreID | smallint | ||||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Use 1 for internal/backoffice, 0 for external.
Only one person can be set as main salesperson per customer.
Required for multi-store environments.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
DocumentHeaderCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
DocumentTypeID | Yes | tinyint | |||
AmountExcVAT | decimal | ||||
AmountIncVAT | decimal | ||||
SellToCustomerCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
SellToCustomerName | Yes | nvarchar | 128 | ||
SellToCustomerName2 | nvarchar | 128 | |||
SellToCustomerEmail | nvarchar | 320 | |||
SellToCustomerLCID | Yes | int | |||
SellToCustomerAddressLine1 | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
SellToCustomerAddressLine2 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
SellToCustomerZipCode | Yes | nvarchar | 20 | ||
SellToCustomerCity | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
SellToCustomerTerritoryCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
SellToCustomerCountyCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
SellToCustomerCountryISO | Yes | nvarchar | 2 | ||
SellToCustomerSpatialLocation | nvarchar | 40 | |||
SellToCustomerContactName | nvarchar | 128 | |||
VATRegistrationNo | nvarchar | 50 | |||
BillToCustomerCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
BillToCustomerName | Yes | nvarchar | 128 | ||
BillToCustomerName2 | nvarchar | 128 | |||
BillToCustomerEmail | nvarchar | 320 | |||
BillToCustomerLCID | Yes | int | |||
BillToCustomerAddressLine1 | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
BillToCustomerAddressLine2 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
BillToCustomerZipCode | Yes | nvarchar | 20 | ||
BillToCustomerCity | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
BillToCustomerTerritoryCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
BillToCustomerCountyCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
BillToCustomerCountryISO | Yes | nvarchar | 2 | ||
BillToCustomerSpatialLocation | nvarchar | 40 | |||
BillToCustomerContactName | nvarchar | 128 | |||
ShippingAddressCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingAddressName | nvarchar | 128 | |||
ShippingAddressName2 | nvarchar | 128 | |||
ShippingAddressEmail | nvarchar | 320 | |||
ShippingAddressLCID | Yes | int | |||
ShippingAddressAddressLine1 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
ShippingAddressAddressLine2 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
ShippingAddressZipCode | nvarchar | 20 | |||
ShippingAddressCity | nvarchar | 80 | |||
ShippingAddressTerritoryCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingAddressCountyCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingAddressCountryISO | nvarchar | 2 | |||
ShippingAddressSpatialLocation | nvarchar | 40 | |||
ShippingAddressContactName | nvarchar | 128 | |||
ShippingMethodCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingAdviceCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ExternalReference | nvarchar | 150 | |||
InternalComment | nvarchar | 500 | |||
ExternalComment | nvarchar | 500 | |||
DocumentDate | Yes | date | 10 | ||
DocumentTime | nvarchar | 8 | |||
PaymentTermCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
PaymentMethodCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
IncoTerm | nvarchar | 150 | |||
CurrencyFactor | decimal | ||||
CurrencyISO | Yes | nvarchar | 3 | ||
CreatorPersonCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
SalesPersonCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ContactMethodCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ContactMethodDocumentNo | nvarchar | 40 | |||
RequestedDeliveryDate | date | 10 | |||
PromisedDeliveryDate | date | 10 | |||
DepartmentCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
SeparateInvoice | Yes | bit | |||
DocumentStatusCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Open | Yes | bit | |||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
QuoteEndDate | date | 10 | |||
OrderTypeID | tinyint | ||||
OrderDate | date | 10 | |||
OrderTime | nvarchar | 8 | |||
ShipmentDate | date | 10 | |||
ShipmentTime | nvarchar | 8 | |||
PaymentDiscountPercent | decimal | ||||
DueDate | date | 10 | |||
InvoiceTypeID | tinyint | ||||
StoreID | smallint | ||||
TrackTrace | json | 4000 | |||
TransferTypeCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
TransferSubTypeCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Supported values:
- `1` = Quote
- `2` = Order
- `3` = Shipment
- `4` = Invoice
Allowed Values1 2 3 4
Field has been marked required in January 2024.
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
The two-letter ALPHA-2 ISO 3166 notation of the country code.
More info at [](
Coordinates in `latitude,longitude` format with `.` as decimal point, e.g. `51.09644,3.83194` for Lochristi, Belgium.
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
The two-letter ALPHA-2 ISO 3166 notation of the country code.
Coordinates in `latitude,longitude` format with `.` as decimal point, e.g. `51.09644,3.83194` for Lochristi, Belgium.
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
The two-letter ALPHA-2 ISO 3166 notation of the country code.
Coordinates in `latitude,longitude` format with `.` as decimal point, e.g. `51.09644,3.83194` for Lochristi, Belgium.
Supported values:
- `complete` = complete order
- `completeorderlines` = complete per orderline
- `partial` = partial orderlines allowed
A series of three-letter trade terms Incoterms rules.
International Commercial terms are a series of pre-defined commercial terms published by the
International Chamber of Commerce widely used in international commercial transactions.
Alphabetic ISO 4217 three-letter code, e.g. `EUR` for Euro and `GBP` for Pound Sterling.
More info at [](
**Required** for document type `order`.
**Required** for document type `quote`.
**Required** for document type `order`.
Supported values:
- `1` = Normal
- `2` = Return
**Required** for document type `order`.
**Required** for document type `shipment`.
**Required** for document type `invoice`.
**Required** for document type `invoice`.
Supported values:
- `1` = Invoice
- `2` = Credit note
Allowed Values1 2
**Required** for multi-store environments.
JSON representation of the track and trace information. Contains a list of `tracking` defined as
`trackingNumber` (required) and either `shippingAgent` or `url` for direct link. Optional custom data can be
added as `customData` to the root or in the individual tracking items. Example of the value:
Make sure the field uses the recommended text qualifier around the value and characters are escaped (i.e. double quotes must be escaped if using the default text qualifier).
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
DocumentHeaderCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
DocumentTypeID | Yes | tinyint | |||
LineNo | Yes | Yes | int | ||
AttachedToLineNo | int | ||||
LineType | Yes | tinyint | |||
ProductNo | nvarchar | 80 | |||
ProductCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
VariantProductCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
CustomerProductCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
EAN | nvarchar | 20 | |||
MainVendorProductNo | nvarchar | 80 | |||
ProducerProductNo | nvarchar | 80 | |||
ShipmentDate | date | 10 | |||
ShipmentTime | nvarchar | 8 | |||
ProductName | nvarchar | 128 | |||
Comment | nvarchar | 1000 | |||
UnitOfMeasureCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
QuantityPerUnitOfMeasure | decimal | ||||
Quantity | decimal | ||||
OutstandingQuantity | decimal | ||||
QuantityToInvoice | decimal | ||||
QuantityToShip | decimal | ||||
UnitPriceIncVAT | decimal | ||||
UnitPriceExcVAT | decimal | ||||
VATPercent | decimal | ||||
LineDiscountPercent | decimal | ||||
LineDiscountAmount | decimal | ||||
LineAmountExcVAT | decimal | ||||
LineAmountIncVAT | decimal | ||||
GrossWeight | decimal | ||||
NetWeight | decimal | ||||
WeightUnitOfMeasureCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Volume | decimal | ||||
VolumeUnitOfMeasureCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
RequestedDeliveryDate | date | 10 | |||
PromisedDeliveryDate | date | 10 | |||
PlannedDeliveryDate | date | 10 | |||
PlannedShipmentDate | date | 10 | |||
DepartmentCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
DocumentStatusCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
TrackTrace | json | 4000 |
Supported values:
- `1` = Quote
- `2` = Order
- `3` = Shipment
- `4` = Invoice
Allowed Values1 2 3 4
JSON representation of the track and trace information. Contains a list of `tracking` defined as
`trackingNumber` (required) and either `shippingAgent` or `url` for direct link. Optional custom data can be
added as `customData` to the root or in the individual tracking items. Example of the value:
Make sure the field uses the recommended text qualifier around the value and characters are escaped (i.e. double quotes must be escaped if using the default text qualifier).
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
EntityCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
ExternalSourceID | Yes | Yes | int | ||
LCID | Yes | int | |||
Misc | Yes | xml | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
Can be used to specify both a local specific record or a neutral record without LCID.
If there is no record for a specific LCID, NatchOS will fall back to the record without LCID.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
EntityCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
FilePath | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 128 | |
FileName | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 1024 | |
LCID | Yes | int | |||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
This determines the file type and must be a known value within NatchOS, configured by Natch.
_Value as Path_
Must start with `\`.
The value is used to create the absolute URL from the relative URL.
Can match a container name in Azure Blob Storage or a bucket name in Amazon S3.
E.g. `\categoryimage`, `\productimage`, `\product-high-resolution`
_Value as Type_
Value does not start with `\`.
The value is only used to indicate/match a type in NathOS.
Will not be used to create the absolute URL - the `URL` field must contain absolute URL.
E.g. `ProductManualLink`.
**A relative or absolute `URL` to the file.**
A path relative to the `FilePath\FileType`.
The value will be prefixed with `Origin` and `FilePath` to construct the absolute URL.
The `Origin` itself is configured in the application.
Examples (using `\categoryimage` as `FilePath\FileType`):
- `/segment-a/x123987.jpg` > ``
- `/x123987.jpg` > ``
A complete URL, including the origin. The value will be used as-is.
E.g. ``
The optional locale identifier for the file, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
Can be used to specify the order in which images or files must be displayed.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
EntityCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
StoreID | Yes | Yes | smallint | ||
Product_TransportCost | decimal | ||||
Product_MinimumAmountFreeShipping | decimal | ||||
Product_TransferLeadTimeInDays | smallint | ||||
Product_PromoTypeID | tinyint | ||||
Miscellaneous | json | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
The transport cost for this product.
Specify the ID of a promotion type as defined in the metadata.
Values supported by NatchOS:
- `1` = promotion
- `2` = liquidation
- `3` = spotlight
- `4` = bestseller
- `5` = new product
Custom types should have a value greater than 100.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
CustomerCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingAddressCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
PersonCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
FirstName | nvarchar | 80 | |||
MiddleName | nvarchar | 80 | |||
SurName | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
SearchName | nvarchar | 80 | |||
NickName | nvarchar | 80 | |||
AddressLine1 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
AddressLine2 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
ZipCode | nvarchar | 20 | |||
City | nvarchar | 80 | |||
TerritoryCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
CountyCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Country_ISO | nvarchar | 2 | |||
SpatialLocation | nvarchar | 40 | |||
Yes | nvarchar | 320 | |||
Email2 | nvarchar | 320 | |||
Homepage | nvarchar | 255 | |||
SalesPersonCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Comment | nvarchar | 1000 | |||
JobTitle | nvarchar | 150 | |||
OrganizationLevelCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
SalutationCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Initials | nvarchar | 50 | |||
Gender | nvarchar | 10 | |||
Login | nvarchar | 320 | |||
WebRoleCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
LCID | Yes | int | |||
TemporaryPersonCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
The customer that the person is attached to.
This field was marked optional in December 2023.
Consider the entity `WebRoleCustomerPerson` for linking a person to a customer (which support a multi-customer setup).
If you are currently not sending any data in this field and using a separate file, you can safely remove it.
**Part of address field set. Required if another field in the set is supplied.**
**Part of address field set. Optional.**
**Part of address field set. Required if another field in the set is supplied.**
**Part of address field set. Required if another field in the set is supplied.**
**Part of address field set. Optional.**
**Part of address field set. Optional.**
Code for a geographical region of a country.
Not to be confused with country.
**Part of address field set. Required if another field in the set is supplied.**
The two-letter ALPHA-2 ISO 3166 notation of the country code.
More info at [](
Coordinates in `latitude,longitude` format with `.` as decimal point, e.g. `51.09644,3.83194` for Lochristi, Belgium.
Allowed ValuesF Female M Male
A single web role code.
This field was marked optional in December 2023.
Instead of a single code, we recommend the `WebRoleCustomerPerson.txt` file (previously `WebRolePerson.txt`) with support for many-to-many combinations.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field and using a separate file, you can safely remove it.
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
The temporary code of the record as created by NatchOS before sending to master data.
This code must be sent back to update data accordingly.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
PersonCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PhoneNumberTypeID | Yes | Yes | tinyint | ||
PhoneNumber | Yes | nvarchar | 50 |
Values: `1` = phone; `2` = fax; `3` = mobile.
Allowed Values1 2 3
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ProductCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
ProductNo | nvarchar | 80 | |||
InternalName | nvarchar | 128 | |||
IsModelProduct | Yes | bit | |||
BaseUnitOfMeasureCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
ProductDiscountGroupCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
AllowInvoiceDiscount | Yes | bit | |||
UnitPrice | decimal | ||||
UnitCost | decimal | ||||
SizeCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Size | Yes | decimal | |||
SizeUnitOfMeasureCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
ColorCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
MainVendorCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
MainVendorProductNo | nvarchar | 80 | |||
EAN | nvarchar | 20 | |||
ProducerProductNo | nvarchar | 80 | |||
LeadTimeCalculation | smallint | ||||
MOQ | decimal | ||||
IOQ | decimal | ||||
UnitListPrice | decimal | ||||
GrossWeight | Yes | decimal | |||
GrossWeightUnitOfMeasureCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
NetWeight | Yes | decimal | |||
NetWeightUnitOfMeasureCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
UnitVolume | Yes | decimal | |||
UnitVolumeUnitOfMeasureCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
Durability | nvarchar | 15 | |||
TariffNo | nvarchar | 80 | |||
CountryPurchased_ISO | nvarchar | 2 | |||
CountryOrigine_ISO | nvarchar | 2 | |||
Online | Yes | bit | |||
VATBusinessPostingGroupCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
SalesUnitofMeasureCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
PriceOnRequest | Yes | bit | |||
PromoTypeID | byte | ||||
Product_TransportCost | decimal | ||||
Product_MinimumAmountFreeShipping | decimal | ||||
Product_TransferLeadTimeInDays | smallint | ||||
ConfigurableTypeID | smallint | ||||
Misc | xml | 10000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Specify the code of a unit of measure as defined in the metadata.
This data should be sent in the `PropertyValue` file instead.
Contact us for more information regarding this change.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
Specify the code of a size as defined in the metadata.
I.e. sizes of a t-shirt: `XS`, `S`, `M`, `L`, `XL`.
Alternatively, a size can be specified as a measurement with a decimal value and a unit of measure.
This data should be sent in the `PropertyValue` file instead.
Contact us for more information regarding this change.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
This data should be sent in the `PropertyValue` file instead.
Contact us for more information regarding this change.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
Specify the code of a color as defined in the metadata.
The EAN-13 barcode digits. An EAN-13 barcode (originally European Article Number, but now
renamed International Article Number even though the abbreviation EAN has been retained) is a 13 digit
(12 data and 1 check) barcoding standard.
The average delivery time in days for the main vendor for this product.
This data should be sent in the `PropertyValue` file instead.
Contact us for more information regarding this change.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
Specify the code of a unit of measure as defined in the metadata.
This data should be sent in the `PropertyValue` file instead.
Contact us for more information regarding this change.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
Specify the code of a unit of measure as defined in the metadata.
This data should be sent in the `PropertyValue` file instead.
Contact us for more information regarding this change.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
Specify the code of a unit of measure as defined in the metadata.
Contains the format of an xsd duration type without the time part (max = 100 years). Fex 'P0Y3M20D' = 3 months, 20 days.
Intrastat code of the product. Intrastat is the system for collecting information and producing statistics on the trade in goods between countries of the European Union (EU).
The two-letter ALPHA-2 ISO 3166 notation of the country code.
More info at [](
The two-letter ALPHA-2 ISO 3166 notation of the country code.
More info at [](
This data should be sent in the `PropertyValue` file instead.
Contact us for more information regarding this change.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it.
Specify the ID of a promotion type as defined in the metadata.
Values supported by NatchOS:
- `1` = promotion
- `2` = liquidation
- `3` = spotlight
- `4` = bestseller
- `5` = new product
Custom types should have a value greater than 100.
The transport cost for this product.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ProductCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
ProductName | nvarchar | 128 | |||
ProductSearchName | nvarchar | 128 | |||
FreightType | nvarchar | 1000 | |||
ProductDescription | nvarchar | 4000 | |||
Comment | nvarchar | 1000 | |||
Synonyms | nvarchar | 1000 | |||
LCID | Yes | Yes | int | ||
MiscML | xml | 10000 |
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ProductCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
MeasurementTypeID | Yes | Yes | tinyint | ||
UnitOfMeasureCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
Amount | decimal | ||||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Values supported by NatchOS:
- `1`: Base Unit - Unit in which the product is stored (inventory). Requires only the unit of measure.
- `2`: Size - Measurement for a generic size/dimension of the product. Requires both the unit of measure and a value.
- `3`: Gross Weight - Measurement for the gross weight of the product. Requires both the unit of measure and a value.
- `4`: Net Weight - Measurement for the net weight of the product. Requires both the unit of measure and a value.
- `5`: Sales Unit - Unit in which the product is sold. Requires only the unit of measure.
- `6`: Volume - Measurement for the volume of the product. Requires both the unit of measure and a value.
- `7`: Overpack Volume - Measurement for the volume of an overpack of the product. Requires both the unit of measure and a value.
- `8`: Overpack Weight - Measurement for the weight of an overpack of the product. Requires both the unit of measure and a value.
- `9`: Size Length - Measurement for the length of the product. Requires both the unit of measure and a value.
- `10`: Size Width - Measurement for the width of the product. Requires both the unit of measure and a value.
- `11`: Size Height - Measurement for the height of the product. Requires both the unit of measure and a value.
- `12`: Overpack Unit - Unit of one overpack. Requires only the unit of measure.
- `13`: Items per Sales Unit - Describes how many items are contained in a single sales unit. Requires both the unit of measure and a value. (I.e. Number of blisters in one package. Product is sold per package.)
Allowed Values1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
The code of the unit of measure.
The value for the measurement. This is required for some measurement types.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ProductCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
OverpackCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
InternalName | nvarchar | 80 | |||
OverpackWeight | decimal | ||||
OverpackWeightUnitOfMeasureCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
OverpackVolume | decimal | ||||
OverpackVolumeUnitOfMeasureCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
UnitsPerPack | Yes | decimal | |||
OverpackUnitUnitOfMeasureCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Misc | Yes | xml | 4000 | ||
Miscellaneous | json | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
The number of unit in the overpack.
The unit for the `UnitsPerPack` value.
Use JSON in `Miscellaneous` instead. JSON support was added in September 2023.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it. Contact us for more information regarding this change because it might have impact on your implementation.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
OverpackCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
OverpackName | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
OverpackDescription | nvarchar | 150 | |||
LCID | Yes | Yes | int | ||
MiscML | Yes | xml | 4000 | ||
MiscellaneousML | json | 4000 |
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
Use JSON in `MiscellaneousML` instead. JSON support was added in September 2023.
If you are currently not sending any data in this field, you can safely remove it. Contact us for more information regarding this change because it might have impact on your implementation.
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ProductCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PropertyCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PropertyValueCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ProductCode1 | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
ProductRelationType | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 50 | |
ProductCode2 | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
StartDate | date | 10 | |||
StopDate | date | 10 | |||
Ratio | decimal | ||||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
The origin product.
The related product.
Required for time-bound relations (`TemporaryHasAlternative`). Must be empty for other relations.
Required for time-bound relations (`TemporaryHasAlternative`). Must be empty for other relations.
The optional count of related product for every origin product.
I.e. A value of `2` for a `MandatoryIncludes` relation specifies that the related product must be bought 2x for every origin product.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ProductCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
ProductSurchargeTypeID | Yes | Yes | smallint | ||
ProductSurchargeQuantity | smallint | ||||
ProductSurchargePrice | decimal | ||||
Miscellaneous | json | 1000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Type of surcharge. e.g. 1 is Bebat, 2 is Recupel.
Multiplier for the `ProductSurchargePrice`, e.g. four batteries per product.
Price for a single surcharge, e.g. for one battery.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
PropertyCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
InternalName | Yes | nvarchar | 128 | ||
PropertyValueTypeID | Yes | tinyint | |||
PropertyFilterTypeID | Yes | tinyint | |||
IsVisible | Yes | bit | |||
IsFilter | Yes | bit | |||
IsSearchable | Yes | bool | |||
OrderValue | int | ||||
PropertyClassCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Misc | xml | 10000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Internal name of the property. Is used as display text if no translations are provided.
Data type of the value of the property:
- `1`: Textual value
- `2`: Numerical value, integer or decimal
- `4`: Boolean value, simple true/false
Allowed Values1 2 4
Filter type of the property:
- `1`: Intersect --> evaluated as an `AND` operator within the property values; selecting more options
within the property may reduce results.
- `2`: Union --> evaluated as an `OR` operator within the property values; selecting more options within
the property may increase results.
- `3`: Range --> property can be filtered as a range of numerical values, defining minimum and/or
Supported in our latest search engine.
Allowed Values1 2 3
If true, property is visible in listed properties of product.
If true, property will be available as facet filter for product search.
If true, the `TextValueML` or `TextValue` of the `PropertyValue` will be included in the search
Sort order of the property for a product.
Code of the class to which the property belongs.
Example: 'Measurements'.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
PropertyCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
PropertyName | Yes | nvarchar | 128 | ||
PropertyDescription | nvarchar | 512 | |||
LCID | Yes | int | |||
MiscML | xml | 10000 |
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
PropertyCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PropertyValueCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
TextValue | Yes | nvarchar | 1000 | ||
NumericValue | decimal | ||||
Misc | xml | 10000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Code of the property value. This should be unique across all property value records.
Display text of the property value.
For properties defined as text: This value is used if no translations are provided via `PropertyValueML`
For properties defined as numeric: This is used for display and optionally for inclusion in search index
(see property definition), e.g. '10 cm' as text value and '10' as numeric value.
For properties defined as boolean: This must contains one of the follow values: `1`, `true`, `0`,
Numerical value for the property.
Required if the value type of the property is numeric.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
PropertyCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PropertyValueCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
LCID | Yes | Yes | int | ||
TextValueML | nvarchar | 1000 | |||
MiscML | xml | 10000 |
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ShippingAddressCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
CustomerCode | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | ||
MainShippingAddress | Yes | bit | |||
Name | nvarchar | 80 | |||
SearchName | nvarchar | 80 | |||
Name2 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
AddressLine1 | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
AddressLine2 | nvarchar | 80 | |||
ZipCode | Yes | nvarchar | 20 | ||
City | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
TerritoryCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
CountyCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Country_ISO | Yes | nvarchar | 2 | ||
SpatialLocation | nvarchar | 40 | |||
PrimaryContactPersonCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingMethodCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingAgentCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingAgentServiceCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingAdviceCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
ShippingTimeInDays | tinyint | ||||
PrintPriceOnShippingDocument | Yes | bit | |||
DepartmentCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
PlaceOfExport | nvarchar | 150 | |||
nvarchar | 320 | ||||
Homepage | nvarchar | 255 | |||
CombineShippings | Yes | bit | |||
LCID | Yes | int | |||
TemporaryShippingAddressCode | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Misc | xml | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
The two-letter ALPHA-2 ISO 3166 notation of the country code.
More info at [](
Coordinates in `latitude,longitude` format with `.` as decimal point, e.g. `51.09644,3.83194` for Lochristi, Belgium.
Values supported by NatchOS:
- `complete` = complete order
- `completeorderlines` = complete per orderline
- `partial` = partial orderlines allowed
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
The temporary code of the record as created by NatchOS before sending to master data.
This code must be sent back to update data accordingly.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
ShippingAddressCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PhoneNumberTypeID | Yes | Yes | tinyint | ||
PhoneNumber | Yes | nvarchar | 50 |
Values: `1` = phone; `2` = fax; `3` = mobile.
Allowed Values1 2 3
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
VoucherCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
InternalName | nvarchar | 80 | |||
Description | nvarchar | 150 | |||
Identification | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
ValidFrom | Yes | nvarchar | 10 | ||
ValidUntil | Yes | nvarchar | 10 | ||
DiscountPercent | decimal | ||||
DiscountAmount | decimal | ||||
MaxDiscountValue | decimal | ||||
MinimumValue | decimal | ||||
VoucherLimitTypeID | Yes | tinyint | |||
MaxAmount | Yes | int | |||
Combinable | Yes | bit | |||
Miscellaneous | nvarchar | 4000 | |||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Defines how `MaxAmount` is applied.
- `1` = Global limit
- `2` = Per user limit
Allowed Values1 2
Maximum number of times a voucher can be used.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
VoucherCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
VoucherName | Yes | nvarchar | 80 | ||
VoucherDescription | nvarchar | 150 | |||
LCID | Yes | Yes | int | ||
MiscellaneousML | nvarchar | 4000 |
The locale identifier, e.g. `2067` for Dutch (Belgium) [nl-BE].
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
WarehouseCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
ProductCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
StockDate | Yes | date | 10 | ||
Stock | decimal | ||||
StockIndication | nvarchar | ||||
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Can be used for expected / forecasted stock.
Actual stock count; see `StockIndication` for an alternative.
A relative stock indication, e.g. BACKORDER, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH; see `Stock` for an alternative.
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
WebRoleCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
CustomerCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PersonCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Allowed ValuesI U D
Field Name | Key Field | Required | Obsolete | Type | Max. Length |
WebRoleCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
PersonCode | Yes | Yes | nvarchar | 150 | |
Action | Yes | char | 1 |
Allowed ValuesI U D